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How to Repair Scratches on Your Glass Shower Door

When your glass shower door gets scratched, it's a pain to repair... Or is it? As it turns out, repairing your glass shower door can be simple.

Today, you'll learn how to repair scratches on your shower enclosure and when you'll need to call a professional glass expert.

Step 1: Assess the Damage

If your glass shower door is only lightly scratched, you might be able to fix it yourself. However, before you try to repair the scratches, please review the following steps to make sure that you don't need to call a professional.

When you can DIY:

  • Glass is only lightly scratched
  • Scratches are on the middle of the door

When you can't DIY:

  • Glass is deeply scratched or chipped
  • The deep scratch or chip is on the edge or corner

If your glass shower door is cracked in the corner or has a deeper scratch, you'll want to call a glass expert to repair or replace. This type of damage can impact the integrity of your shower door.

Step 2: Clean the Glass

Once you've decided that you can fix the light scratches yourself, you'll want to clean the glass thoroughly.

Use a soft cloth to wipe down your shower door. Make sure the area is dry before moving on to the next step.

Related: What Your Mother Didn't Tell You About Keeping that Glass Shower Door Clean

Step 3: Repair with One of Three Methods

Now that the glass is clean, you can use one of three methods:

  1. Apply a coat of clear nail polish - Don't use too much, just enough to cover the scratch. Once dry, use a clean cloth with a small amount of nail polish remover to remove any excess nail polish along the edge.
  2. Buy a glass repair kit - Follow the instructions on the package.
  3. Apply a coat of toothpaste (preferably one with baking soda) - You'll only need a small amount to fill the scratched surface. Rub it in with a damp cloth, using a circular motion, for about 30-60 seconds. Use a clean sponge or cloth to remove the toothpaste. Reapply until you achieve your desired results.

These methods will only work with surface scratches. If you have a deeper scratch or chip, you'll need to call a glass expert.

Step 4: Clean the Glass Again

Now that you've used one of the methods above, thoroughly clean your shower enclosure again.

These repairs also work for other types of glass, such as tabletops, cabinets, or mirrors.

Wear and tear on your glass shower door is normal. If your shower door becomes scratched, it might be a simple fix. However, make sure that you contact an expert if the scratch is too deep or if it's in the corner of your shower.

If you're looking to install a new glass shower door, contact Arrow Glass & Mirror today!

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Arrow Glass & Mirror, Inc. has proudly been serving customers in Central Texas since 1994.

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